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Curated research library of TV news clips regarding the NSA, its oversight and privacy issues, 2009-2014

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Primary curation & research: Robin Chin, Internet Archive TV News Researcher; using Internet Archive TV News service.


Mark Klein
Whistleblower, Former AT&T technician
KQED 05/20/2014
Klein: I was furious because I never signed up to work for the NSA. But I was in my late 50s and I didn't want to lose my job. So I was stuck. And I was afraid. Narrator: Klein was afraid to speak out for several years. Audio TV reporting: The New York Times broke the story about the National Security Agency spying inside... Narrator: But went public after reading a front page New York Times story about NSA spying in 2005. Angwin: When Mark Klein came out and said, "I work at AT&T and the NSA is tapping into our network," that was the first time that the American public realized how far things had gone since 9/11. How much domestic surveillance there was. He raised this allegation. No one ever acknowledged that it was actually happening. It still remains an open question. But no one has ever denied it either.
Mark Matthews
Political Reporter for NBC Bay Area News
KNTV 06/06/2014
Matthews: For Mark Klein, the technician who originally blew the whistle back in 2006, the government playing the national security trump card is something he's come to expect. Klein: But we know now from what I've revealed and what Snowden revealed that they're collecting everybody's information, everybody. Matthews: Now as I said, lawyers for the government were reporting to the court by phone from Washington, D.C. they were unavailable to talk with us, Judge White is expected to set a hearing sometime late July or August.
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